Breaking: Link Dot Net Considering to Quit Operations in Pakistan

logo thumb Breaking: Link Dot Net Considering to Quit Operations in PakistanLink Dot Net, Orascom’s fully owned subsidiary for DSL broadband services and sister concerns of Mobilink, is considering to wrap up its operations in Pakistan, amid low returns and to shift the group focus on core cellular services and branchless banking.
Sources familiar with the development have confirmed ProPakistani that LDN has decided in principle to exit Pakistani market.
Link Dot Net has DSL operations and a WiMAX license through Dancom, which it might quit, told us a company official.
However, final decision is yet to come after annual board meeting of Pakistan Mobile Communication Limited, a company under which Orascom operates in Pakistan. Meeting is scheduled for May 15th, 2012 in Islamabad.
Another source in the company told ProPakistani that decision is yet to be made, hence nothing can be said as of now. But yes, group is considering an option to quit operations in Pakistan.
Orascom had bought World On Line and Dancom to offer DSL broadband services in Pakistan. Link Dot Net, after in operations, has been facing tough competition from PTCL, country’s largest DSL broadband service provider. In addition to competition, analysts say, LDN was victim of anti-competitive practices by the telecom giant.
Link Dot Net has a WiMAX license, we were just told, though Dancom, which it is considering to quit.
Mobilink Infinity won’t be impacted with the decision.

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