PML(Q) Website Gets Hacked

hacker thumb PML(Q) Website Gets HackedIn a recent development, official website of Pakistan Muslim League (Qaid-e-azam) got hacked and is still not rectified.
Hacker is calling himself/herself to be identified as GiRl-RiD3r-H3x()r. It is said that hacker is member Of Pak Cyber HunTerZ, who has used vulgar language on hacked pages, something common for hackers when they hack a prominent website.
We are told that Pak Cyber HunTerZ is pretty active these days and are involved in hacking of hundred of Indian and European websites, in addition to some Pakistani websites which are against their beliefs.
Following are hacked pages, though it is not recommended at all to visit these URLs due to vulgar language used there.
Hacked URL:
Zone-h mirror:

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