PTA Accused of Delaying 3G Auction

PTA logo thumb1 PTA Accused of Delaying 3G AuctionPakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) is delaying the auction for 3G licenses – which is likely to generate up to one billion dollar for the federal government – by not issuing finalized date for auction, Secretary Information Technology Farooq Awan told Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of the National Assembly yesterday.
The newly elected chairman of the committee, Nadeem Afzal Gondal, chaired the PAC meeting. The meeting reviewed the audit accounts of telecommunication sector for 2004-05 and 2006-07.
The secretary for information technology alleged that despite giving assurance to Ministry of Information Technology, the PTA did not appoint consultant for the valuation of 3G licenses, which the government had earlier planned to auction in March 2012.
It was revealed that Prime Minister had been told on December 19, 2011 that 3G auction would be held on March 29th, 2011 and that a consultant would be appointed till that time.
"But no consultant has so far been hired by the PTA after expiry of 80 days at a time when the government is desperate for cash," secretary remarked.
It maybe recalled that mobile operators always wanted to avoid 3G auction. We have covered a timeline for major events in past few months regarding 3G. ProPakistani’s complete coverage for 3G auction can be found here.
Via BR

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